What are the dense phase zone, transition zone and dilute phase zone of circulating fluidized bed boiler? How to do anti-wear treatment in these zones

Date:2021-11-03 Clicks:1081

      What is the dense phase zone, transition zone and dilute phase zone of circulating fluidized bed boiler?

  The dense phase zone of circulating fluidized bed boiler is the lower part of the circulating fluidized bed combustion chamber, where the gas-solid two-phase flow contains high concentration of solid-phase particles. Dilute phase zone refers to the upper part of the circulating fluidized bed combustion chamber (usually above the secondary air nozzle), and the zone containing low concentration of solid particles in the gas-solid two-phase flow. The transition zone is the zone between the dense phase zone and the dilute phase zone, and the transition zone of circulating fluidized bed boiler is the area that is more prone to wear.


  How to do anti-wear treatment in these areas!

  Through the survey we found that most power plants have water-cooled wall wear problems in the dense phase zone, transition zone and dilute phase zone of circulating fluidized bed boilers. This is because circulating fluidized bed boiler operation contains a large number of circulating materials in the furnace chamber, these materials will be in the furnace chamber constantly high-speed movement, the water-cooled wall to scour and cutting, and eventually the water-cooled wall wear situation. Once the water-cooled wall wear is serious, the damage caused to the power plant is large. Seriously and directly lead to boiler shutdown burst tube, the power plant was forced to stop the furnace, resulting in huge economic losses.

  These areas of the water-cooled wall wear problems have been plagued by power plants, so there is no technology to completely solve such water-cooled wall wear problems occur!

  Traditional passive anti-wear technologies include metal spraying, anti-wear beams, etc. These technologies were the most mainstream water-cooled wall anti-wear technologies before the grille anti-wear technology was introduced. With the introduction of grille anti-friction, the water-cooled wall anti-friction has been changed from passive to active. By installing metal alloy plates, the scouring of the water-cooled wall in these areas by the high-speed moving material particles is blocked, avoiding the occurrence of water-cooled wall wear problems in this area.

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