What kinds of desulfurizers are commonly used in circulating fluidized bed boilers?

Date:2021-10-28 Clicks:720

  Commonly used desulfurizers for circulating fluidized bed boilers include limestone (CaCO3), quicklime (CaO), dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2) and carbide slag containing Ca(OH)2. From a profit point of view, most circulating fluidized bed boilers use limestone as a desulfurizer. When dolomite or limestone containing a small amount of MgCO3 is used as a desulfurizer, the amount of MgO calcined in the furnace by MgCO3 is very small, which is usually not considered. When carbide slag is used as a desulfurizer, because the particle size of calcium carbide slag is very fine, the separation efficiency of the separator is an important factor affecting the desulfurization effect.

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