Grille anti-wear technology completely cure cfb boiler water-cooled wall wear problems

Date:2021-10-09 Clicks:736

  For so many years, as long as the use of cfb boiler power plant will be suffering from the water-cooled wall wear problem. According to authoritative statistics, because of the water-cooled wall wear caused by boiler burst tube shutdown accidents accounted for 76 percent of the total accidents, through this data we found that if we can solve the cfb boiler water-cooled wall wear problem, not only can improve the safety of the boiler, but also can greatly recover the economic losses of the power plant.

  In the actual operation of cfb boilers in power plants, the problem of water-cooled wall heating surface wear problems make power plant staff headaches. Once the water-cooled wall wear is likely to lead to water-cooled wall leaks, burst tubes, greatly increasing the workload of the power plant staff, labor and people.

  cfb boiler water-cooled wall main wear area for the dense phase area, dense phase area wear is particularly serious. In order to help major power plants solve the problem of water-cooled wall wear, many expert institutions have introduced a variety of water-cooled wall anti-wear technology. For power plants with particularly severe water-cooled wall wear, the most important concern should be which technology can completely cure the water-cooled wall wear problem.

  Solving the cfb boiler water-cooled wall wear problem is just like a person seeing a doctor. Many technologies only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, it is true that the water-cooled wall wear problem can be solved for a short period of time, but can not completely cure the time long wear and tear to start again, such as metal spray anti-wear technology. There are also technologies that can completely cure the wear and tear of the water-cooled walls of cfb boilers, such as grille anti-wear technology. Grille anti-wear technology is mainly through changing the direction of high-speed movement of material particles in the boiler chamber, to avoid material particles on the water-cooled wall tube scouring and cutting, actively avoid water-cooled wall wear, completely solve the problem of water-cooled wall wear.

  Power plant to completely solve the cfb boiler water-cooled wall wear problem, it is urgent, early solution early profit!

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