How to solve the cfb boiler water-cooled wall wear problem

Date:2021-09-03 Clicks:1051

  With the increasing emphasis on high efficiency, environmental protection and clean combustion technology in China, cfb boilers have been very widely used and promoted in China. cfb boilers, also known as circulating fluidized bed boilers, are mainly characterized by high efficiency, environmental protection, energy saving and wide applicability of coal combustion, and have been widely used in China's thermal power industry.

  With the wide application of cfb boilers in the thermal power industry, the problems in actual operation have slowly emerged. Especially the cfb boiler water-cooled wall wear problem is particularly prominent, and even become one of the most painful problems of power plants. Water-cooled wall wear is not only a headache for power plants, but also has seriously restricted its wider application and promotion.

  If the cfb boiler water-cooled wall wear problem can be completely solved by technology, it will not only solve the problem of power plants, but also help cfb boilers to be further promoted and applied. The initial cfb boiler water-cooled wall anti-wear technology are too passive, for example, many power plants are using supersonic arc spraying technology to brush non-metallic ceramic materials on the severe wear surface. Most domestic CFB boilers use a combination of subsonic flame spraying, ordinary arc spraying, supersonic arc spraying and subsonic spraying spraying method, spraying anti-wear effect is quite satisfactory, but the anti-wear cycle is short, the need to re-spray the water-cooled wall once a year, anti-wear costs are relatively high.

  Before the emergence of grille anti-wear, there is no technology on the market can actively anti-wear, completely solve the problem of cfb boiler water-cooled wall wear. The emergence of grille anti-wear has completely revolutionized the cfb boiler water-cooled wall anti-wear technology. From the previous passive anti-wear, the effect is poor, into the active anti-wear technology, anti-wear thoroughly and anti-wear cycle for a long time, anti-wear cost is low. After the practical test of the major power plants, the grille anti-wear is indeed a thorough anti-wear, anti-wear cycle for a long time, is the water-cooled wall anti-wear technology to withstand the test.

  At present, the grille anti-wear technology has gradually replaced other anti-wear technologies, becoming a reliable, safe and thorough anti-wear technology for cfb boiler water-cooled wall.

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