The importance of anti-wear in circulating fluidized bed boilers

Date:2021-01-25 Clicks:881

      Thermal power is an indispensable way to generate electricity in China, but with the rapid development of industry, environmental problems are becoming increasingly serious. Many thermal power plants have switched to circulating fluidized bed boilers, because he is more energy-saving, efficient and can meet the increasingly serious environmental protection needs. But circulating fluidized bed boilers also have a difficult problem, it is easy to wear, serious wear and tear will directly lead to boiler leakage or even burst tube. (1).jpg

  Circulating fluidized boiler leakage burst tube is one of the main factors affecting the safe production of thermal power plant units, according to authoritative statistics, large power station boilers in China because of leakage burst tube shutdown accidents accounted for 40 percent of the unscheduled downtime of the unit, accounting for 70 percent of the planned downtime of boiler equipment. after years of experience and summaries, boiler anti-friction for the use of circulating fluidized bed boiler enterprises have great significance. Not only can submit to safe production, but also greatly extend the service life of the boiler and greatly improve the economic benefits.

  The main reason for boiler bursting is that the water-cooled wall wear leads to leakage and even bursting of the tube.

  We have conducted many years of research on circulating fluidized bed boiler wear problems, and found that the grid anti-wear technology can effectively solve the boiler wear problem. I took the lead in promoting this technology to the market, and our grid anti-wear technology has been applied to more than 200 large circulating fluidized bed boilers so far, completely curing the boiler wear problem.

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