Circulating fluidized bed boiler chamber water-cooled wall wear what are the main

Date:2020-12-25 Clicks:1055

       With the continuous rapid development of industry, but also with the continuous changes in the environment, in order to achieve environmental protection and energy saving and other issues subsequently in the industry was born circulating fluidized bed boiler. Circulating fluidized bed boiler compared to other boilers to be more environmentally friendly, energy efficient, is now a very large industrial boilers mainly used.


  Because of the original characteristics of circulating fluidized bed problems, resulting in circulating fluidized bed boilers will appear the case of wear and tear. If the boiler wear serious will lead to boiler leakage, serious and may even burst the tube. Such a problem can directly lead to plant shutdown, or even a major safety accident. For companies that use circulating fluidized bed boilers, boiler wear prevention should be given attention.

  Circulating fluidized bed boilers are most likely to wear parts is the water-cooled wall, water-cooled wall wear will usually appear in the following three places.

  1, the lower part of the furnace chamber guard combustion belt and water-cooled wall tube transition part of the wall at the wear.

  2, the four corners of the furnace chamber part of the wall wear.

  3, irregular part of the water-cooled wall tube wear.

  After years of research and innovation, we officially launched the grille anti-wear technology to the market in 2014. The grid anti-wear technology effectively solves the wear problem of circulating fluidized bed boilers, solving the fundamental problem for many enterprises and greatly improving their efficiency.

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